So myself and a couple of friends have been working on a blog this past season (see below in my sig). We decided to try and start a weekly podcast about all things Wolves, Bulls, and NBA in general. We are unprofessional and unpolished to say the least, but you need to make a start somewhere right? The link is here: http://naturalbornanalysts.wordpres...dcast-001-the-disappointment-of-cee-lo-green/ If you have a listen, any feedback would be greatly appreciated, constructive, deconstructive or other.
Will listen to this later tonight but IIRC you're Australian, so your potential viewer audience just shrank to 3 (I'm Aussie, just being realistic. Nobody wants to hear us talk NBA).
Second one is up... again... any feedback is appreciated. We are slowly building up post production. http://naturalbornanalysts.wordpres...hp?post=650&action=edit&message=6&postpost=v2
Third one is now up. still waiting for someone to listen... anyone... haha
I listened to the third one in it's entirety two nights ago, forgot to post. I enjoyed it but definitely needs to be spiced up a little. I know it's only your third though. Good luck.
Appreciate the attempt... I wouldnt even say my accent is thick aussie... but I get what you mean. Cheers !
Thanks mate. Yeah it definitely does... we are still trying to figure out what segments to have every time and which to only have every now and again. What sound drops to have etc... its definitely a work in progress but its enjoyable to do, and im going to keep posting them up here.
Cool, I'll check them out if I don't have much to get done. I'm a Wolves fan too so it made me somewhat interested, had it playing in the background as I was playing 2K13 on mute, haha.
Number 004 is up
005 is up... tried a new recorder but its not as good few new audio bites in too